The first of my stylized character ideas is Rose, a necromancer / death knight inspired from Blizzard's Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft. As one of the few necromaners in her world, Rose dresses in a clear death motif as the armour pieces she wears have intricately golden skeletal designs upon the chest plate and the bracers on her legs. Since necromancers are a mix of warrior and mage, her armour remains relatively light for her mid to long range sorcery as most of her design is constructed of fine materials and embroidered design. Elegant and high status within her Order, Rose allows her position to influence her clothing as she acts as one of the last Death Speakers to commune with the dead.
My second stylized character is a female wood elf named Nightingale. A thief and ranger by profession, Nightingale finds herself eluding capture in a country far from the warm jungle of her race, to the cold northern environment which she has chosen to live. Having this mix of styles, she wears many more layers beneath her leather vest and drapes a large pelt across her petite body to maintain her warmth. Still wearing the clothes of her homeland, many of the under layers and material pieces she wears done simple nature motifs such as vines and leaves, while her choice of latches upon her leather pouches are made of bone. Never made to waste what she kills, she uses every part of her prey no matter what and that shows in the mix materials, fur, and bone ornaments she wears.
My final idea for a stylized character is a blind priestess archer named Usagi. Wanting to take as much inspiration from traditional Japanese clothing, she is the sole protector of her family's shrine from the yokai and mononoke which roam her world. An itako, Usagi sees the world by sensing spiritual pressure and her other senses such as touch and sound, and helps to defend against the yokai which prey upon humans. Maximizing her ability to move and ride, she keeps her hakamas short and wears layered paper bracers which contrast with her traditional values which she maintains with layered haori and an obi around her waist. To add more elements of the shrine she protects, around her waist is the shimenawa, used in purifications at shrines, and some prayer beads looped beneath her obi.
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